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Basic Assembly Steps of Eco-Panel SIPs

Rob Clutter, VP at Eco-Panels of Tennessee, discusses the basic assembly steps of using our SIPs in your home. Additionally, an assembly manual including much more detail is available on request.

  • Panels are numbered in sequential order for setting.
  • Cam-locks aide in the panel-to-panel connection, mechanically linking the panels together.
  • While other areas of a typical home may require very skilled labor, setting panels is relatively easy. Of course this is dependent on the home design.
  • Many DIY customers can set their walls easier than framing, sheathing and insulating a typical framed walls system.

    Video Transcript: Basic Assembly Steps of Eco-Panel SIPs

    So here’s some of the basic steps of assembling your Eco-Panel wall system.

    One, refer to the SIP panel plans. You’ll notice that each panel is numbered in sequential order and will match the plans. So we start with panel number one, in this case it’s a corner panel.

    A foam sealant and a foam sealant gun that is included with your package from Eco-Panels of Tennessee and is being demonstrated here, but we are not applying the foam because it is an adhesive foam and we plan to take this little display back apart. Once the panel number one, this corner panel is set, panel number two would go obviously right next to it.

    After the foam seal is applied, slide the panel over into place and secure the cam-locks. You can see the cam-locks pull the panels together, and once they’re all locked into place the panel is secure.

    In a real home, in your home, each wall would have what we call a cheater panel. This allows you to make an adjustment if your foundation is not quite right. This is an area where you can make those corrections.

    As we complete this little structure, you can see while it’s only eight 8×8, and built by fairly inexperienced salespeople, it was still built relatively fast.

    If you’d like to find out more about how to put together your Eco-Panel home, please ask us for our free assembly manual. Shoot us an email or give us a call we’d be happy to send it to you.


    We hope that helped!

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